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About Us

Some information about the Clan Maciver Society, the Committee and Key Posts

Strathendry Castle, Fife home of the Clan MacIver Society

Our Story

Coming up to the thirtieth year gives plenty for a retrospective look at society high points.  As a Society, we publish the Maciver Clan News, our own clan magazine. We also intend to further research Maciver history, with the aim of keeping it alive and securing it for the future. 


The international Clan Society for MacIvers and their descendants was founded in 1991 by the Baron of Strathendry, Iain Maciver and the late Colonel Patrick Maciver. The Clan MacIver Society actively seeks to promote awareness of the distinctive character of the Clan name Maciver (Maclomhair) and the various derivations including, but not limited to, Macivor, Mciver, MacGlassarich, Ure, MacGiver, MacKeever, Iversen and similar.


As a small independent clan, we have some interesting and exciting history dating back to the 9th century.  In Argyll, from as early as the 13th century, Maciver Chiefs have held Baronies from the crown. Sadly, the chiefship of the clan has lapsed, since the death of the 22nd chief in 1818.


However, the name and resolve of the clan remains strong and may return to prominence in the future through the tenacity and guile of our membership and associates.  

Meet The Team

The Clan Maciver Society

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